What to Expect When You Downsize 

What to Expect When You Downsize: First, why are you downsizing? There are many different reasons people choose to downsize. Although most are compelled by the costly bills and the physical labour required when living in a larger home, you may just be wishing for something more quaint and humble. Below, I’ve listed some key takeaways which can make it easier to plan accordingly when downsizing, no matter your reason. 


You might have less storage space than before


Start Early & Work Efficiently


The strategic thinking that goes into downsizing can take as much time as downsizing itself, so you want to make sure that you begin planning and acting far ahead of your move-in date. Focus on one room at a time and move through your house. Consider where each piece would fit in your new home. While you’re pondering this, also consider your lifestyle plans for after the move. Will you use certain items as frequently as now?


Impulse Purchases & Infrequently Used Items


You’re likely holding on to some possessions you don’t regularly use or need to access. You may have either purchased something on impulse, or simply hung onto something for too long. Everyone has an item or two that fits this description, and that’s normal. However, the more of these you have, the more they can become an issue when you downsize. When you’re going through these items, ask yourself: “Would I buy this again if mine broke?”


If the answer is “no”, then they may be worth selling or donating to someone who would. Items like these are perfect for yard sales, as you may be able to get some money back from the original purchase.


Sentimental Items


Some items are too precious to be discarded, sold or donated. These could be family heirlooms, awards or souvenirs from simpler times. But what if your new home quite literally does not have the space for these items?


Luckily, there are many routes you can take. First, consider if you have any other immediate friends or family members who are also fond of the item. Reach out to see if they’re willing and able to hold onto it. If not, think about ways that the item could be reused or recycled. For example, old shirts can be sewed into a larger quilt or blanket to preserve the memory in a functional way. Third party storage units are also a possibility, but they can become expensive to rent over time.


Documents & Paperwork


Another thing you need to Expect When You Downsize is that documents, files and file cabinets can take up a lot of space. In the 21st century, it’s smart to move as many documents as possible to a digital platform. I would suggest purchasing a hard drive to back up your important paperwork in case of any future computer trouble. There are also many secure cloud services available to host your documents, but you may prefer to store them locally.


Last, gather many opinions.


Although every situation is unique, hopefully this article has helped you know What to Expect When You Downsize. Although many executive decisions will have to be made by you, doing research and asking close friends or family for input on tough choices can help streamline your downsizing process.  Instilling the help of a Real Estate professional, like myself can help you understand what your home is worth, look at options for a new home and help walk you through the whole process.