Moving with Pets 

Moving with Pets


Moving to a new home can be a thrilling adventure, but it can also be a stressful experience — for both you, and your furry friends. Whether you're relocating to a new city, or just heading down the street, taking the time to plan and prepare can make a world of difference in ensuring a smooth transition for your pets. In this blog, we'll cover the essential steps to make moving with pets a breeze.


Explore the Neighbourhood


If you have an outdoor pet, or a pet with demanding outdoor/exercise needs, it’s a good idea to explore the neighbourhood in person before your move-in date. Identify nearby parks, walking trails and other green spaces worth re-visiting. Meet neighbours, fellow pet owners and learn more about the surrounding area. Check the rules and regulations to ensure pets are allowed at all nearby parks and trails.


Visit the Veterinarian’s Office


Before you start packing your boxes, schedule a visit to your pets’ veterinarian. Ensure that your pets are up-to-date on all their vaccinations and obtain any necessary health certificates or records for the journey. If you're moving to a new area, ask your vet for recommendations on finding a new pet healthcare provider. Additionally, ensure that your contact information on the microchip registry is up-to-date. Update your pets' ID tags with your new address and contact details.


Letting Your Pets Adjust


It's normal for pets to take some time to adjust. Before you bring them to your new place, remember to pet-proof it. Check for any hazards or areas where they could escape. Secure toxic substances and ensure that your new place is safe for your furry friends.


Ideally, try to visit your new home with your pets several times before your move-in date. Let them acclimatize and familiarize themselves with the new space. During the process, be patient and maintain your routine. Keep feeding times, walks and playtime consistent to minimize stress. Designate a specific area where your pets can safely stay away from the chaos, especially on moving day when large objects are being carried left and right. Ensure their essential items like food, water, toys and bedding are easily accessible. When you arrive at your new home, re-establish their favorite spots and comfort them with love and attention.


Prepare a Day-Kit


On move-in day, prepare a day-kit with all of your essentials, including food, water, bowls, medications, treats, toys and bedding. Having these items readily available during the move will help keep your pets comfortable. Consider going on an adventure with them and exploring new areas while your movers handle the heavy lifting. 


Any Questions?


If you’re in need of a realtor, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you may have. I have deep knowledge of the national capital region, and I would be glad to help you find your perfect home.